21st Century Church!
Where is this going?
Photography by Mercy Susanna
The Modern Day Church looks nothing like the Early Church. Agree? I strongly believe that the set of values the early church has inculcated is quite different from that of the present day. The commitment and the passion it had put in worshipping God is priceless. Christ's always the head of the Church(Eph 5:23). It's heart craved for the Word of God. Never being independent, it had lived on the bread of life alone. Obedience in everything was the key. Where is the 21st Century Church going? We have tonnes of denominations rising against each other tearing the God's holy temple - the body of Christ into countless pieces. Despite owning dozens of Bibles, the modern Church runs through the Biblical illiteracy. A two-hour sermon becomes a boring teaching and the priest on pulpit equips puppet making skills to entertain the crowd that never had experienced salvation instead indulged in every kind of impurity, be it a hint of sexual immorality, greed or lust. I see the ignorance spreading like the wildfire in the stubborn hearts of most of the so-called Christians, not wanting to receive the Word of God. The elders of the Church wanted themselves to be distinguished as leaders, pastors....... but not as the servants of God. Instead of depending on God for every need, most of the gifted preachers are enslaved by money. (You cannot serve both God and Money. Matt 6:24). Why use God's name in such an utter despair? Blaspheme!! Is this not grieving the Spirit of God? How can the Modern Church present itself as a pure bride to the King coming in Love? Persecution in the Early Church strengthened the faith of the Christians. No matter how it was put to pressure for bearing the name of Christ, it had suffered the consequences for Christendom. How many of the present day-Churches would be ready to suffer persecution? Very few! ("If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name." I Pet 4:16)
Let us not be among the unfruitful church singing songs of praise with mouths but not with the hearts. As the children of God, let us walk in the light of God but not in the ignorance and stubbornness. All that God seeks is an orderly worship with the right conscience. It's not too late to repent. Like the early church, let us prepare our hearts to receive and be obedient to every word that comes from the mouth of God.
(What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the Church. 1Cor 14:26)
Scriptural References: Ephesians 5:23, Matthew 6:24, 1Peter 4:16,1Corinthians 14:26
Scriptural References: Ephesians 5:23, Matthew 6:24, 1Peter 4:16,1Corinthians 14:26