Tuesday, May 1, 2018

In the beginning

I N   T H E   B E G I N N I N G
A poem by Mercy Susanna

Earth was formless, empty, dark
Waters deep below the ark

"Let there be light,"
The day the night

Expanse - the sky
the ground be dry

The sun, the moon
the stars in the noon

Signs and seasons
For wondrous reasons

Plants and herbs
Lite winged birds

Made all things He could
and saw they were good

The crux of the tale
Is not 'bout the whale

'Cause it's not yet over
for the oceans to hover

Though the purpose, the plan
was simply to create a man

"Let's make him in my image,
his life I'd envisage."

Cell by cell, a mound of flesh
Into the veins, the blood did rush

Mind and body, fully grown
little did he knew, he was error-prone

He embraced the sin
yet rebelled against the skin

More to mere flesh and bone
Oh! He beget that heart of stone

Nevertheless, vile death did reign
All the mankind perish in vain

Then stepped down, the Son of Man
To reveal God's great, perfect plan

Grace had nails, in hands and feet
Sinless Saviour, butchered to meat

One last time, a final breath
Ripped out, the sting of death

Redeemed from men's sinful strife
Rose to render eternal life

No, not just the tale of a whale
"Lion of Judah", men 'bout to hail!!

Scriptural references
Genesis 1,2 Creation of World- In the beginning
Roman 5:14 Death reigned from the time of Adam
Hosea 6:7 Like Adam, they have broken the covenant- they were unfaithful to me
Roman 5:17 gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ
John 3:14 The Son of Man must be lifted up
Revelation 5:5 See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.u