Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Born into a middle-class Christian family, I grew up as a typical teenager. Constellations, galaxies were those that fantasized me. Gravity played huge on my heart. I loved reading sci-fi. I loved the good and the bad as well. In fact, the world and all its ways seemed good and comfortable to me. The need of a supernatural being for the existence of human and its survival seemed pointless. I always had a strong desire to become a scientist but my perceptions and views started to melt to the point of being as close to an atheist. I did well in my school. I was more self-dependent and overconfident. I had deluded that my future would be what I design with my own hands. I dreamt of companions with a similar mindset who would sit, smoke, drink and have fun for life. I was okay with guys who could flirt with me and had a choice to pick a boyfriend to make so called love. I was addicted to the unusual music that invoked lustful thoughts in me. I had insane plans, foolish desires, misguided ambitions, vain hopes, unwise theory, goofy atheistic leanings, whacky reasons that support my ludicrous outlook. Self-help books didn't work, for they satisfied me only in the moment that took an eye to blink but later, everything leapt out empty. I went church in delusory and never approved to be a Christian nor stood for Christ. Like how far the east is from the west, so was I away from God. As a rebellious teen, I was not okay with people at church. Somehow I knew Christ's Holy but hadn't realised that this person would actually breathe life into my soul. Though I knew gospel that Christ is the redeemer for all our sins for all those years, this truth din affect me. I think that was the time God saw me. As I listened to the gospel, week by week, on Sundays, I had been convicted. It took a year to squeeze out that the world around me was a fake. People around me who praised me for what I am not, were unreal. As unsubstantial as a dream, I was living a wretched life, that had no hope, no peace. The sermons I have started listening to brought a strong conviction in me. But then, I haven't given my self completely to God. I fought between surrender and disobedience. Finally, God has let a situation, a circumstance that blew me off for eternity. I had struggled for one whole week but had none to help. Deep down I knew only God could help me give peace for eternity. But for that, I had to make a lifetime decision of serving Him, til the end. And that's it. All the scenes started playing like a reel. I cried and cried and repented of all my sins. I felt the wounded hands comforting me with love and compassion. When home, I opened the scriptures(Bible), right there God talked to me with the promise. An assuring promise of an everlasting love. He told that he has gifted me His salvation and would stay with me and love me forever. What a great promise!! Peace overflowed and flooded my heart like never before. Great joy! I did not know whom to share with. Tears of joy running down my cheeks. I now knew whom to trust and depend upon. After a week, all the music I had collected for years perished miraculously. God has put a new song in my heart, a new spirit, new life and new me. Despite the futuristic plans I had made, I found out that God always had a purpose for my life that would lead to His will. There is one and only one God who could speak, could search your thoughts, listen to your story, heal your heart and transform you into a new being. He is Jesus Christ.
Peace be. Blessed be.

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